CMSU Mental Health & Mental Retardation Program

The CMSU system provides a wide range of mental health, mental retardation and drug & alcohol services to the citizens of Columbia, Montour, Snyder and Union Counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Each year, CMSU and its network of providers serves over 4,000 people. Our mission is to participate actively in a community-wide partnership to support the residents of Columbia, Montour, Snyder and Union Counties in achieving independence and personal development in order to enhance their quality of life.

In order to qualify for services within the CMSU system, you must live within the boundaries of Columbia, Montour, Snyder or Union Counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you do not live in one of these four counties, you are not eligible for CMSU services. Call the County Courthouse for the county you live in to determine if they offer similar services. Mental Health Base Service Unit, Danville 275-4962

Mental Retardation Base Service Unit, Danville: 275-6080

MHMR Base Service Unit Annex, Bloomsburg: 387-6742 or 387-6741

MHMR Drug & Alcohol Program Office, Danville: 275-5422, Lewisburg: 524-9960, Tap Line 24 hour Telephone Emergency Services: 1-800- 222-9016

Danville State Hospital: 271-4500

Mental Health Association of Central Susquehanna Valley: 784-9583 or 1-800-874-8363

Pennsylvania Tourette Syndrome Association

Phone 800-990-3300

A non-profit agency affiliated with the National Tourette Syndrome Association. Serves the needs of Pennsylvania residents affected by Tourette’s by providing information, referral and advocacy services. Provides access to various groups and chapters, throughout PA, that can offer support to individuals and families. For more information call 800-990-3300 or visit Website at:


Mental Health Association of the Central Susquehanna Valley

A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental health and improving the care and treatment of individuals who have mental illnesses. Provides information, referrals, support groups, public education and advocacy services related to mental health. Programs include: Compeer & Kids Compeer, programs that match community volunteers in one-to-one friendships with persons receiving mental health treatment, training workshops on topics such as Recovery Planning, Self-Advocacy, Suicide Prevention and more, educational and outreach presentations by mental health professionals to promote public awareness, a free resource library provides books, videos and audiotapes on loan. For further information pleas call (570) 784-9583.

Family Support Group

For those who have family members who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Meets the first Monday of each month from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM at the Mental Health Association Office, 37 West Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (Rear entrance FNB Bank Building). Contact the Mental Health Association office at (570) 784-9583 for more information.


Serves families who have special needs in Columbia, Montour, Snyder & Union Counties. Matching parents with mentor parents who have children with simillar special needs (mental and or physical challenges). Also provides information, resources and referrals regarding special needs. All services are free and confidential. Contact: Ruth Ann Hess – 570-752-1207 (Local) OR 1-800-433-9015. New mentor parents welcome! Starting parent support groups. Meetings monthly. Call RuthAnn Hess for details.


Your Loving Choices, Inc.

904 Market St., Bloomsburg, PA 17815. Provides abstinence education as well as a full range of support and educational services for women, families and individuals facing an unexpected pregnancy, education on alternatives, childbirth, classes and coaching, parenting preparation, earn while you learn program, adoption education and support, post-abortion support and lending library. Does free pregnancy testing. All services are free and confidential. Contact: 570-784-6124 or 24 hour hotline 570-784-3143.


Tops – Take Off Pounds Sensibly


TOPS 767 Weigh-in- 5:00 P.M. Meeting: 6:05 P.M. Benton Christian Church, Third St., Benton, PA Phone: 925-2470

TOPS 867 Weigh-in 5:30 – 6:10 P.M. Meeting: 6:15 – 7:00P.M. Benton Christian Church, Basement, Third St., Benton, PA Phone: 925-2470

TOPS 1044 Weigh-in 5:00 – 6:00 P.M. Meeting: 6:30 – 6:45 P.M. Evansville U. Meth. Church Berwick, PA. Contact Leonora at 570-752-0574.

TOPS 759 Weigh-in 6:00-6:30 Meeting: Mondays, 6:30 P.M. Bloomsburg Fire Sation. 784-0160

TOPS 876 Weigh-in: 6:30 P.M. Meeting: 7:00 P.M. Hollenbach Township Municipal Bldg 379-3323


Tops 843 Weigh-in 6:00 P.M. Meeting: 7:00 P.M. Shiloh Church, Danville PA Phone: 275-0356

TOPS 1233 Weigh-in 5:45 P.M. – 6:25 P.M. Meeting: 6:30 P.M. Hunlock Creek Municipal Building. 570-256-3436.

TOPS 265 Weigh-in 5:45 P.M. Meeting: 6:30 P.M. Grace Lutheran, 570-379-3374.

TOPS 784 Weigh-in 8:30 A.M. Meeting: 9:30 A.M. Grace Lutheran Church, Berwick, PA

Contact: Lillian 570-379-3374

Tops 699 Weigh in 10:00 P.M. M&T Bank, Berwick, 752-5437; Meeting: 10:30 AM, First Baptist Church Annex, Berwick.


North Center TOPS 1133 6:15 P.M. Hidlay Lutheran Church Bloomsburg, PA 752-7679


Tops Chapter 1083 Weigh-in 9:30 A.M. Meeting: 10:00 A.M. Berwick Senior Center Orange Street Berwick, Pa 752-1422

Weight Management Support Group We provide information for overweight adults on healthy eating, exercise, behavior modification and support in weight management. Meetings: Geisinger Bush Basement Conference Room #3. Meetings are first Monday of the month at 3:00 PM; Foss Home, behind hospital, third Monday of month at 4:00 PM.

Contact: JoAnn Rogers or Dr. Still – 271-6439

OverEater’s Anonymous

Susquehanna Valley Meeting List


Beaver Memorial UM Church

40 S. 3rd Street

Lewisburg, PA

Meeting – 7:00 PM

Contact: Verna 570-327-9172


Shilo UCC

500 Bloom Street

Danville, PA

Meeting – 7:00 PM

Contact: Joyce 570-437-3688 or Frank 570-759-3963


Sojurner Truth Ministries

Center and High Streets

Williamsport, PA

Meeting – 11:00 AM

Contact: Mike 570-322-4481


UM Church

8th and Mill Streets

Selinsgrove, PA

Meeting – 6:30 PM

Contact: Julie 570-374-2881

Community of Christ Church

8th and Market Streets

Bloomsburg, PA

Meeting – 6:00 PM

Contact: Joyce 570-437-3688 or Frank 570-759-3963

Sojurner Truth Ministries

Center and High Streets

Williamsport, PA

Meeting – 7:00 PM

Contact: Verna 570-327-9172

